Tomato Diseases & Pests
Stink Bug

Stink bugs feed on tomato fruit and can be a problem on whole-pack tomatoes where damage prevents peeling of the tomato. The pest overwinters as adults and has 1- 2 generations each year. Adults are brown or green and shield-shaped, about 1.3- 1.9 cm (1/2 - 3/4 in.) long. Nymphs are smaller, rounded, wingless and may be a different colour than the adult.
** Site-specific GDD-based scouting advisory and models are available to registered users. Registration is FREE. Reports
Jul 17, 2015
Site-specific Late Blight Advisory for Ontario Tomato Growers
Jul 02, 2015
How to access TOMcast™ and other crop management tools at
Jul 25, 2018
Downy mildew found in Michigan Cucumbers in 2018
Jun 20, 2018
Late Blight Found in New York State on Tomato
Mar 28, 2018
CAP Funding for Horticultural Growers