VEGTools.ca provides weather-based crop management tools for a variety of vegetables crops, including: cole crops, tomatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, leafy vegetables, snap beans and cucurbits.
Disease risk prediction tools are available for tomatoes, asparagus, carrot and celery.
The TOMcast™ model provides advisories for fungicide timing to control early blight, Septoria leaf spot and Anthracnose in tomatoes. An additional late blight model predicts risk of late blight in tomatoes. Fungicide timing advisories are also available for purple blotch of asparagus, foliar blight of carrot, and celery blight.
Growing degree day (GDD)-based scouting advisories and management guidelines are available for insect pests of many diverse vegetable crops.
VEGtools.ca Reports
Jul 17, 2015
Site-specific Late Blight Advisory for Ontario Tomato Growers
Jul 02, 2015
How to access TOMcast™ and other crop management tools at www.vegtools.ca?
Jul 25, 2018
Downy mildew found in Michigan Cucumbers in 2018
Jun 20, 2018
Late Blight Found in New York State on Tomato
Mar 28, 2018
CAP Funding for Horticultural Growers